Mrs. Nebraska 1987


Rita Rocker – Omaha, NE
You can contact Rita via email or visit her website.
Rita Rocker has a successful track record of growing anyone from ages 7-70 into more confident, successful and polished individuals. She has impacted numerous lives through dynamic programs, coaching, workbooks, inspirational messages and articles on communications, self-image/self-esteem and career change techniques. She has appeared on a national television and radio talk show on self-esteem and communications issues.

Rita’s experiences leading seminars, personal coaching, corporate training, pageant training and business workshops all stem from her desire to help others achieve their potential. From the low points of life with abuse, widowhood and difficult missions in Haiti to the glamour of the Mrs. America pageant, Rita desires to use all of life’s experiences to guide others into experiencing their own metamorphosis.

In addition to being a former Mrs. Nebraska and Mrs. America contestant, she was also one of 15 top finalists out of 752 entrants nationwide to compete in the national Ms. Golden America pageant finals. Please visit her website at https://soaringhigher.rocks/ for further details.

Rita has one grown son-Brian.